Valorizzare la stagionalità è tra gli asset di tanti retailer che periodicamente dedicano iniziative per promuovere il reparto di ortofrutta e al suo interno prodotti di stagione. Non fanno eccezione le ciliegie per le quali sono state realizzate attività varie all’interno delle aree di frutta e verdura. Vediamo alcuni esempi.
Come già raccontato in questo articolo, Todis (Iges srl-Pac2000A Conad) ha attivato un contest mensile dedicato a un prodotto specifico. A maggio è stato attivato quello per le ciliegie che ha coinvolto vari punti di vendita della rete di Iges. I repartisti hanno potuto sperimentare esposizioni, dare vita alla loro fantasia in competizione con i loro omologhi di altri negozi Todis. “I reparti migliori -spiega Pietro Fiore, responsabile ortofrutta Todis– vengono premiati non soltanto dal punto di vista qualitativo ed estetico ma anche quantitativo. Infatti, per ogni reparto che decide di partecipare al contest vengono valutati vari aspetti: esposizione, teatralità e impatto, risultati di vendita sia a livello di progressione rispetto al passato sia a livello di incidenza in reparto“. I negozi sono stati suddivisi per metratura e poi giudicati. Alcune delle esposizioni hanno optato per esposizioni cross category che alle ciliegie aggiungevano crostate, vini, confetture.
Decò e Dodecà
Nei punti di vendita Decò e Dodecà, insegna every day low price del Gruppo Multicedi (VéGé), è stata attivata una campagna con informazioni dedicate ai consumatori. Si tratta dello Speciale Marmellate, preparate con l’ingrediente principale della stagione, in questo caso le ciliegie. Sono state inserite esposizioni ad hoc all’interno dei reparti, volantini e locandine con grafica e immagini che riportano le ricette e la procedura di preparazione. In questo modo la comunicazione interna viene potenziata, si valorizza il reparto e il singolo prodotto e si forniscono informazioni utili per incentivare gli acquisti.
Nei supermercati Cedigros l’area dedicata alle ciliegie è davvero molto ampia, teatrale e con esposizione massificata creando un impatto immediato agli occhi della clientela. Le soluzioni nei vari store della rete sono varie e spaziano da allestimenti tipici di un cinema, come se sul grande schermo ci fossero proprio le ciliegie, a ceste di vimini su isole fuori banco. Un’iniziativa definita la Festa delle ciliegie a sottolineare una celebrazione a tutti gli effetti di questo frutto.
How to enhance cherries
Contests, promotions, dedicated displays, and a wide range of offers: all the solutions to promote seasonal products
To enhance seasonal products, retailers adopt display solutions, organize targeted activities, and involve consumers during events held within their department.
Such initiatives are periodic and concern, from time to time, specific types of products. Cherries actually mark the arrival of the warm season, are representative of the transition from spring to summer, and enrich both stalls and islands thanks to their undisputed chromatic effect.
For example, the promotion of seasonal products has always been an asset of Todis (Iges srl-Pac2000A Conad). This company, in line with this path, activated a project that from month to month involves a specific article to which the monthly contest is dedicated. Therefore, department managers can give space to their creativity by creating displays that are as theatrical as possible, capable of involving consumers present in the store and capturing their attention. This activity was activated in March and will continue in the coming months. Obviously, it also involves cherries. Pietro Fiore, Todis fruit and vegetable manager, explained the dynamics of the contest and related awards: ‘The best departments are rewarded after a careful evaluation not only from a qualitative and aesthetic point of view, but also in quantitative terms. In fact, for each department that decides to participate in the contest, many aspects are analyzed, such as display, theatricality, and impact, as well as sales results both in terms of progression compared to the past and impact in the department. This offers us the possibility of concretely understanding the real effects of an operation of this type from the point of view of customer penetration, too. Furthermore, it enhances the seasonality, in which we invest a lot and that we like to emphasize. But there is more: such an activity also gives a lot of input to our employees, because it triggers healthy competition between collaborators and between stores’.
In this operation, the shops operating in the regions where Iges srl is most present, such as Lazio, Calabria and Campania were mainly involved. Because of the variety of the Todis network and the different sizes of the stores, for the purposes of an evaluation that must be as fair as possible on the basis of fair parameters, a subdivision by cluster has been prepared according to the size: small, medium, and large. The choices were varied: mass displays with theatrical solutions were developed, often in central islands or dedicated off-the-counter spaces. In some cases, there are those who have opted for cross category solutions that have made it possible to enhance, together with cherries, also similar products with targeted ingredients, such as tarts and jams, for example. To enhance and promote the business, but also to boost sales, a flyer page is dedicated monthly to the product that is the subject of the contest. The final prize consists in a gift card awarded to each winner, which can be used to shop in the stores of the Todis network.
Even in the Decò and Dodecà stores (the latter is an every day low price brand), both managed by Multicedi Group (VéGé), an activity to promote seasonal products called ‘Special Jams’ took place and will continue in the coming months. In this case, communication played a leading role in highlighting products and producers, providing useful information to customers. Furthermore, recipes were provided whose main ingredient was the seasonal one, in this case cherries. As usual, much focus was also placed on the theatricality of the display, and a campaign using flyers and posters was developed.
Off the counter, impactful measures, chromatic effect, and centrality are the assets on which Cedigros supermarkets have focused to enhance cherries in the fruit and vegetable department, where very large areas have been set up. This brand gave life to a real Cherry Festival to celebrate this product and emphasize it in the best possible way. The choices carried out by the department workers varied: in some cases, they created typical cinema setups with cardboard seats and red fruits on the stage, and in other cases they opted for wicker baskets and targeted signage.